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Combat Reversi is a game I designed and programmed for the Unreal Engine Spring 2019 Jam (#ue4jam) alongside a friend, Ashish. It is a combination of a turn-based board game and a real-time fighting game. Each time a player moves in Reversi, the move is fought over in real time by both players. If Black moves and Black wins the fight, Black's move is successful. If White wins that fight, Black's move does not happen and it is then White's turn. The game proceeds as such. 

At the moment, it is a local two-player game. The intention is to make it playable online on mobile with the goal of making it so that two people can play the Reversi component as and when they want (similar to some Facebook board games) and the Fighting component when both are available for a quick match. I thought this would make for an interesting mix of turn-based and real-time gameplay.

A gameplay video is below and the game can be found on here.

For this game, I worked on

  • Designing and programming the core board game mechanics for Reversi from scratch using a recursive Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm

  • Implementing a heavily modified version of this combat system (which is designed for 3D "Soulslike" games) for the fight

  • Optimising the code for transitioning between the two modes with minimum memory and processor overhead

  • Designing and programming the UI for both Reversi and the Combat System, alongside the main menu etc.

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